Glorifying God by equipping the saints to live righteously and bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere we go

Join us every Sunday morning at 10am

About Us

Covenant Baptist Church is an unaffiliated baptist church. We hold a reformed understanding of salvation and follow the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith as our statement of beliefs and guide for doctrine. We also freely partner with other gospel-centered, like-minded churches and organizations to collectively obey the Great Commission where Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20).

Beliefs and Practices

We are covenantal, confessional (1689 London Baptist Confession), and Calvinistic. Our reformed theology is a defining characteristic of the preaching and discipleship of CBC.

We observe communion weekly and open the table to all who are members either of CBC or another gospel-preaching church. We observe communion with wine as we see that to be the Biblical pattern.

We practice Baptism by immersion upon the profession of faith.

The church is the primary vehicle through which God’s kingdom is growing. To that end, all ministry at Covenant Baptist Church is geared toward building the unity of the church, practicing making disciples, and learning to live righteously.


Covenant Baptist Church meets at 10am on Sunday mornings at the historic Zion Grange building in Springdale, Arkansas. Our services are family-inclusive and we welcome families with kids of all ages to worship together. To learn more about our Sunday morning services, click here.

Covenant Baptist Church

Sunday Mornings at 10am

5777 Butterfield Coach Road
Springdale, AR 72764